US Jack Schwulst


Naam:US Jack Schwulst
Geboren:26 juli 1906 (Wisconsin)
Overleden:16 november 1973 (Wisconsin)


0 jaar: geboorte US Jack
67 jaar: overlijden US Jack


Home 1942 Wisconsin Milwaukee. Branch Immaterial Warran Officers USA T/5 US Army World War ll. Enslistment for the duration of the ar or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwis according to law. Army of the United States - includes the following: Voluntary enlistments of National Guardsman whose State enlisstment exprires while ik the Federal Service; Officers appointed in the Army of Civil Life. Hi was Married Height 69 Weight 195. Cementery Address: 5000 West National Ave. Bldg 1301 Milkauwee. WI 53295. Section 45 Row 8 Sita 10. He was 25 august 1942 militairy-30 september 1945