Categoriearchief: Nieuws

Very importent infromation from family Schwulst

Hallo all Schwulst in Germany, South Africa and USA

Schwulst name holders in Europe, South Africa and the United States.This recall has been intended more data for the pedigree af the family collect

As you look at to site then are able you see that we have already gathered wood many together. Unfortunately are lacking much still very. Therefore gladly information by means of e-mail address:

Or push contact

I tried to make this genealogy as complete as possible. If you notice any mistakes or incomplete items, pleas click the link contact and send my e-mail, so I can rewrite it.

You can give your opinion, or if you want to see what other people write about this site, click the link guestbook.

I collect everything connected to family Schwulst, like old photographs, documents, articles, memoriam cards. If you have some of these items in your possession. I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy.You can give your opinion, or if you want to see what other people write about this site, click the link guestbook. I collect everything connected to family Schwulst, like old photographs, documents, articles, memoriam cards. If you have some of these items in your possession, I would appreciate it you could other send me a copy.

Sehr Wichtig

Hallo alle Schwulst Namen in Europa.Südafrika undden Vereinigten Staaten. Dieser Rückruf ist um mehr Daten fürden die Familie Schwulst zu sammeln.

Wen betrachten dann Zehen Sie was uns noch fehlt.

Schicken Sie Informationen mittels mein e-mailadres:

Oder klicken Sie auf Contact fuhr ruckschreiben.

From William R Schwulst Sr

The Prupose of this Website is to provide information to people who are members of the Schwulst Family.

Information Provided by my father’s reacherch is that alle Schwulsts are related. That we are all descenden from one person. This based on the statemnet that the name was changed from Geschwulst in Germany, about 250 years ago.

Read nuw information on this below. This site and were estableshed in March of 2001. Initaly, this is just a welcom page.

In time there wil be links to information on the many branches of our familytree.

If you want to posot infromation your branche, visit often and watch changes to this pages. Finally, you problaby found this page bij doing a rearch on the familyname. If you received the same results I did, there is some really interesting information about many family members all over the Web. Have you seen how many Schwulst are in South Africa?

To those of you who have found this site, thank you for your interest, and thank you for checking back.

It has been awhile sice anything has as a repository of the family tree.

Schwulst family members from all over the world would provide as much information about themselves and their know descendents that they have. Eventually, all Schwulsts would have a map of how they ar connected te each other and our ancestor who changed the name.

My concern, thereason the project has been stallad, is the cocncern of indentity theft. I don’t want this site to be an source of information for a thief. I would very much like to see project go forth, but i am not sure if you are willing to provice your family relationship. I know am relucant.

Maybe I am just too paranoid. After all, the information wouldonly be: name date of birt, date of death, and who the persons father is/was. It would not include any other infromation that a would need, like social secrurity number, address, or any other identifying infromation. I would not even want to include maiden names of wives, becaus banks often use mothers maiden name as indentifer.

On idea would be to protect the infromation in he family tree fromanoyne that is not a Schwulst descendant. I mean, how do you even know who I am, and van you trus me. How do I prove to you I am who I say I am?

New information added May 2003

Originally, I had spelled this as geschwulst, based on pronunciation. An E-mail note I reveiced from a Schwulst is older tan Geschwulst. I do not know what to say about this. You caan read the note here.

New Information December 2004

Originally, this site was setup toas a contact point for members of the Schwulst family. I have received a couple af responses over the last thrars, but not many. Most likely this ia a result of few from the family using the Internet, and few searchingand finding the site. You can still E-mail me, and I will respond to yours inquires.

Over the years, I have used this site to support classes I was teaching at the local technical college, and to create pages for classing I was taking.

Now, I am embarking on a new career during my last working years before retirement. Unable to find a job in the computer field, in my area, I have taken a job as an over the road truckdriver. I will now use this sita as a platform for a Blog of my driving experiences.

More infromation loking all the links from:

History of name Schwulst/Geschwulst von Karsten Schwulst

Auf einen Radiosendung erklärte ein Name-Experten, einen deutsche Professor auf über den Namen Schwulst. Der Name Schwulst is ein altes deutsches Wort und bedeutet etwas wie eine Schwellung oder ein Wachtstum auf menschlichen Körper. Heute besteht das Wort Geschwulst noch auf Deutsch und es bedeutet im Allgemeinen das selbe, aber das Wort Schwulst is viel älter als Geschwulst. Also sollte die Theorie uber Gaschwulst als den Ursprung recht überholt sein. Ausserdem stammt unsere Familie vollständig aus dem Norden von Deutschland.

Historie name Schwulst/Geschwulst from Karsten Schwulst

Last year I Called up a radiostion with a famous names-expert, a german professor. He told on radio, that the name is an old German wordand means something like a swelling or growth on the human body. Well, maybe our 1st forefather had something like this. Today the word Geschwulst still exist in German and it means basically the name but Schwulst. is a lot older than geschwulst. So the theory about gaschwulst as the origin should be pretty obsolete. Besides that, from the spread of phone nummers over here it seems pretty sure that our whole family stems from the north of Germany.

Thanks and danke an Mr Karsten Schwulst Germany.

Little History from John Paul Schwulst over familiy Schwulst in USA.

There is a large Schwulst Family in central Illinois USA. The family dates back to the 1850’s here in the US. The oldest part of the family of which I am awere John Schwulst (born 1805 Germany) William Schwulst, Frederich Schwulst, and Otto Schwulst their fahters would have come from Easter German (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). John Paul’s father was Carl Frederick William Schwulst (1887-1965). His father was Herman Schwulst. We will look up the family for information and send youmore later.